
Disenchanted with the evolution of the digital scenery, immediateness and producing for the sake of producing, I started to look for alternatives within the world of photography.

In 2013 I got my first 35mm camera and shot my first film. Since then, I have been immersed in chemical photography and some mixed techniques.

I do not despise digital, I simply find my place in processes that allow me to reflect more carefully. My life project is to explore new possibilities or remember other ways of doing things, and enjoy the process.


Anibal Santos was born and raised in Salamanca, Spain, where currently resides. He joined the world of photography in 2002 when he was still a teenager. Skateboarding and underground music, like hardcore punk, allowed him to grow as a creator and observe the world in a unique way.

He got a Law degree at the University of Salamanca, a Master's degree in Multiplatform and Web Application Development through the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Open University of Catalonia).




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